Friday, 18 September 2015

IMDb Top 250 Journey: The Imitation Game

This week is done and dusted! Weekend's finally here - I'm sure you're as relieved as I am, especially those here in Ghana, because Monday is a holiday. Ah, blissfully long weekend. Anywho, as usual, we're kicking it off with another movie review; This time, it's The Imitation Game. You'll find it at a rather low #221 spot, with a score of 8.0. Doesn't look too good does it? Let's find out.

Immediate thoughts?

Intriguing. Smart. Not so thrilling. CHARACTER-DRIVEN.

Go on...

I don't quite know what to make of this one; It's by no means a bad movie, but when it was over, I found myself asking: "is that it?". Truth be told, The Imitation Game triumphs in it's quieter moments, and thanks to some very fine acting, it should draw some emotions from you. It's what's supposed to be the thrilling aspects of the film that left me unimpressed. All in all though, it's a solid biopic that's better than many out there.

It took me more than half the running time to accept that I wasn't watching the kind of movie I'd been expecting. That was a good thing, because it meant that the movie had successfully conveyed its essence against my expectations. Most movies can't even fulfill what they set out to, without the added trouble of people's impressions going in. Nevertheless, I'll do you a favor, which should hopefully improve your viewing experience: The movie is more of a character drama than a world war two thriller. Got it? Great. However yes, you get a few reasonably good thrills scattered here and there.

Now is a good time to mention that The Imitation Game is based on a true story; It's as much a celebration of a great person, as it is a drama movie. The real Alan Turing was mistreated after it was discovered that he was gay. When you consider what he'd done, you feel they could have cut him some slack. Yes, I know it was a different time, but it was still unfair. In any case, the movie easily brings this to our attention, and you can't help but admire Alan Turing both for what he did, and what he went through. I should credit Benedict Cumberbatch for that - His portrayal of Turing is praise-worthy. And it wasn't the clichéd 'reclusive nerd' performance too, but a more poised, effective one. Knightly's perfomance was also perfect, as a counter weight to Cumberbatch's. Simply put, the cast's performance is easily the movie's standout feature.

Nothing to say as far as disappointments go. I feel it could have been more thrilling, but I don't know how, so I'll put it down as wishful thinking.   

But was it well-made?

The Imitation Game is set against the backdrop of world war II, with impressive detailing - par for the course these days. Regardless, kudos to the set decorators and costume designers. The acting is also terrific, as I've no doubt already made very clear. The direction I thought was just good enough in that nothing stood out about it. I don't know whether to credit the acting or the script for the emotional nuance and depth  it had, so I'll give it to both. As expected, the technical aspects were all job well-done, though the score got an oscar nomination. I'm not sure why. It was undeniably good, but completely unmemorable. However, there's no doubt that The Imitation Game holds it's own here.

Final thoughts

I had mixed feelings about The Imitation Game, mostly due to my expectations going in. In the end, I thought it was a poor thriller, but a great character drama. However, I believe it deserves its spot on the list. Why? It is a great biopic, with a more meaningful message than your average movie, and that counts for something.

My Score: 8+

Next week, we're on to Guardians of the Galaxy. But what did you think of The Imitation Game?

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