Friday, 27 November 2015

IMDb Top 250 Journey: Django Unchained

Hello there, you citizen of the internet you. Your travels have brought you to The Tony Tay on a Friday night (or whenever you read this), when I review movies from a list of 250 titles, compiled by IMDb, and supposedly the best this planet has to offer. This week we're looking at Django Unchained, which sits at spot #59 on this list, and has a score of 8.4. Let's get to it.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Random Post: Ghana's Black Friday

A week from now is black Friday in the United States, a day where shops, now the online ones especially, go crazy with sales. People back here have probably already contacted their folks and friends abroad, so they can snag them a cool deal. Others couldn't care less really, and probably don't even know that black Friday exists. Others still, and admittedly me included, watch from afar, wondering why such a thing doesn't exist here. Well, as a matter of fact it did, still does even, and it was awesome. What am I talking about? Ghana's Trade Fair.

IMDb Top 250 Journey: Prisoners

Hello people, it's Friday, and here's my Prisoners review, as promised. You can find Prisoners on IMDB's Top 250 list, holding a decent score of 8.0 at spot #230. Alright

Friday, 13 November 2015

IMDb Top 250 Journey: 12 Years A Slave

Hello Folks and welcome to The Tony Tay review of 12 Years a Slave, a movie on IMDb’s top 250 list, which we happen to be traipsing through. 12 Years sits at #180 with a score of 8.1.

Friday, 6 November 2015

IMDb Top 250 Journey: Rush

Hello people. Welcome to the Tony Tay IMDb Top 250 Journey, where we review movies which have spots on this (acclaimed) list. This time we're up to Rush, which sits at #163 and a score of 8.1. Looks good. (Spoiler Alert: It is)