Friday, 20 November 2015

Random Post: Ghana's Black Friday

A week from now is black Friday in the United States, a day where shops, now the online ones especially, go crazy with sales. People back here have probably already contacted their folks and friends abroad, so they can snag them a cool deal. Others couldn't care less really, and probably don't even know that black Friday exists. Others still, and admittedly me included, watch from afar, wondering why such a thing doesn't exist here. Well, as a matter of fact it did, still does even, and it was awesome. What am I talking about? Ghana's Trade Fair.

For those of you who are unaware, sometime ago, twice every year, there was a one week fair, organised at Ghana's Trade Fair Centre, where companies of all kinds displayed their products, usually their most innovative and cutting-edge ones, and usually, on sale. Now you may be thinking that this must some small time thing, which took place in some small building, or park and wasn't patronized by anyone, but you'd be wrong.

First of, the Ghana Trade Fair Centre is huge.

Here's the Trade Fair:

And the Accra Mall, at the same scale:

No contest. And they used the entire venue for the Fair too. In fact, it would take the whole day to cover the Fair end-to-end. Then there's the issue of companies attending and patronage. Just today, when I  mentioned the idea, my good friend told me, he together with his family traveled all the way to Accra, to come to Trade Fair. Yes, it was that serious.

The range and varieties of company who showed up was truly remarkable. There was nothing you couldn't find, and like I said earlier on, it was usually company's high-end and most innovative products on show. From technology, to furniture, to housing materials, to fashion- anything you can think of.  I remember first eating a waffle of all things at one Trade Fair, and I honestly haven't tasted a better one since.

All of which is to say we had a good thing going with our Trade Fairs. What I liked the most was it wasn't just some regular ol' Fair, but one where companies showed off their best; Even smaller companies got much needed exposure from the Fair. Plus it was a week of sales! Usually around this shopping season. Take that Black Friday.

I'm not going to pretend that this is going to come back. Assuming funds were even available, I doubt people would patronize it. It doesn't tarnish the memory though; Trade Fair was a great idea, well-executed, well-organised, heavily patronized, and something I can safely call a challenger to the purportedly awesome Black Friday. Ghana rocks!

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